
Posts in: “history

  • Convex mirrors: from the B to the C…who put the bling in convex mirrors?

    Convex mirrors have been around for centuries. But it was those elegant Georgians who really turned convex mirrors into must-have home accessories.

  • Golden age: the origins of gold leaf…

    Gold leaf has been used by most human civilisations (as far back as 3000BC) to decorate all kinds of objects and artworks. If you want to know how the leaf itself is actually made, read on…!

  • Style Classic: the decorative convex mirror

    Most people are familiar with the convex mirror these days – how it came about may not be so well known. In fact, the convex mirror originated in Europe with the development of glass blowing in the Medieval-Renaissance period.

  • Form & Function: sitting pretty

    Its good looks and practical versatility ensure that the nursing chair isn’t confined to the homes of the new parent, royal or otherwise!