
Posts in: “design tips

  • Brighten your home with a decorative convex mirror

    A decorative convex mirror can do wonders: illuminate a dark corner, add elegance and drama, create the illusion of space, even serve as a work of art.

  • Light in the Dark

    Decorative convex mirrors can be easily and widely implemented to help maximise the light in your interior!

  • Your small space just got bigger!

    With many of us these days having to contend with smaller living spaces, how we choose to decorate and furnish our homes is adapting accordingly.

  • Customised Convex Mirror

    We love it when our customers specify their very own choice of finish. It gives us an insight into which trends are being adopted, or not! And, it makes our job even more interesting than usual.

  • 3 creative ways with convex mirrors

    If you’re looking for some creative ideas for decorating with convex mirrors, here are a few suggestions…

  • Convex mirrors – the bigger picture

    We all know that mirrors are the must-have accessory for making a room feel bigger and are second to none in bouncing the light around. What you may not know, however, is that the curved shape of the convex lens means that it has a wider field of vision than a flat mirror, capturing more of the room in its reflection.