Convex and round mirrors are the perfect choice for hanging over a fireplace. Introducing the curved, circular shape visually breaks up the angles and straight lines of the chimney breast, hearth and mantlepiece.
When hanging convex and round mirrors over a fireplace, the following two points are helpful to bear in mind:
- Allow at least 5-10cm from the top of the frame to a ceiling cornice, or 5cm to a picture rail.
- Where possible, try to hang a mirror of proportionate size to the fireplace:
- usually, the reflective part will be equal to or greater than the fireplace opening;
- the frame should not overhang the ends of the mantelpiece shelf.
Here are some interiors featuring our own convex mirrors, perfectly illustrating these points…
Convex and round mirrors over a fireplace are a popular choice as an alternative to the traditional overmantle mirror. Both for the contrast in shape, as mentioned above and, in the case of a convex mirror, the way in which the whole room is captured in the reflection.
If you would like more tips and ideas on hanging mirrors, you may be interested in reading this blog post also – Get Curve Appeal: with a Round Mirror!